
Math typesetting

Since this blog is supposed to be both a personal blog and a way to document progress on my academic journey, it made sense to implement math rendering. I decided to use $\KaTeX$ instead of MathJax, mostly because of familiarity.

I really wanted this to happen server-side initially (I dislike Javascript because of privacy reasons and I also want to keep this site as lightweight as possible to avoid fuelling the website obesity crisis), but I soon realised this was probably not very feasible.

I understand that most people on the internet don’t really care and won’t find this troublesome, but if you happen to be in the small community that has Javascript disabled by default (like I do), apologies in advance. There are no trackers, analytics or cookies here, so you might consider whitelisting if you want to be able to properly see cool equations like $e^{i\pi} = -1$. Neat!
