
On solving Nielsen and Chuang's

One of the main reasons for setting this website up was (besides learning just for the sake of it) to keep track of some of the stuff I do. One of the main things I’ve been doing lately is working through Nielsen and Chuang’s Quantum Computation and Quantum Information textbook, in preparation for when I can finally formally continue my PhD.

At the moment of writing I’m up to Chapter 6 with most exercises done on paper (excluding Chapter 3) and I intend to publish them here, because they are good problems for the most part and it would be nice to keep them in a tiny digital archive.

After getting over the initial hurdle of understanding what $\KaTeX$ allows and disallows, I found out that it’s quite time consuming to digitise these things1 so I might do them in batches over time, so I can keep on working on the rest of the problems. In any case, I think I’ll feel quite accomplished when (or if) I finish.

A disclaimer for future me and anyone else stumbling upon this: I don’t claim my solutions to be 100% correct (or even partially right for that matter), but I’ve been doing my best and I would appreciate it if you contacted me if you spot a glaring mistake so I can fix it.

You can find the current progress on these here.

  1. I don’t really know why I expected anything different, to be honest. ↩︎

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